November 3, 2010

In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!!!

Soo. I've been slackin on the bloggin a wee bit. Sorry. I've been busy.

Work has been piling up. I hate tan kids. You do not come out tan if you tan before hand. You will be orange K.
That's my photography advice.

As I said in my last post, Mom was supposed to get botox injections in her stomach.  Well, U of M kinda Eff-d her over. The lady sent the paper in for our insurance a day BEFORE hand. Of course our insurance was like 'ahahah, No'. So. There continues Mom's long battles with GP. Grrr.

I wanted to do a craft show. But, with work ( FU TANNERS) I don't think I can. I rather get Mom caught up. She needs it.
I've been doing a few Journal Swaps. I'm pretty excited. But, that's all I got going on. I'm like actually doing them here and there instead of ' OMG IT'S A WEEK BEFORE THEY'RE DUE." So, that's nice :D
Journal swap teaser

I've been slackin on Pen Palling. So, Pen Pals, please forgive me. I'll get to you. :D Life is just busy.

And to top it ALLL off this week, I'm freakin sick. ugh. I'm loading on Aloe, Chicken Soup herbal tea, and peppermint oil.

And I give you daily dose of Smudge.
The Pudge.
She has a facebook page: here. 

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