July 16, 2012

The Febeus got a hair cut!

Ok, so we all know and love Febe, right?

Well, I came home from a vacation last week, and what do I find? My little Fatty got shaved. My Dad surprised me. I was so glad too, because with her heat stroke, I wanted her shaved, for sure. And I noticed it took forever for her summer undercoat to come in, so she looked a little off. As soon as we shaved her, it started coming in. I was worried due to the heat stroke that it wouldn't come in. But now it is. Thank God.

And with that said, I give you pictures!

 She always is so smiley :)

 'Nope. I'm done'
 I love this pic. She's like, 'OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING'
 ' Kay, I'm done now Mom'

Big yawns!  In the middle I see her going 'Ermahgawd'

So, yup. That's really it. Febe's being cute :).